Sometimes things work out on the first try and sometimes they don't. I've had this Michael Miller tiny cheetah print minky fabric for a while and found this beautiful silk satin at Stonemountain Fabrics to match it. I started out using a commercial pattern-Vogue v312-which I never do. But I liked the dress and figured it would fit just like it showed on the pattern envelope. I was wrong. It just didn't hang right and I ended up scrapping everything but the front of the skirt, which was the detail I liked to begin with. So I designed a new bodice and cut a new back for the skirt and ended up with a dress that I like. The dress is fully lined in matching silk/cotton. The belt is removable and adorned with a tiny rhinestone brooch, Onto the jacket, I used a pattern I had drafted for a different outfit that the client then decided she didn't want. The back neck width was too short for this fabric and it also didn't hang right so I had to totally scrap the first jacket I made. I reworked the neckline and collar and cuffs and got a much better result. The jacket is lined with blue silk/cotton as well, and closes with a crystal button and thread loop. Oh, but the pillbox hat turned out great and gave me no problems.
Then on to picture taking. It's going to be very gray here in Michigan for the next few months, and the only place I have enough natural light to take pictures is my kitchen counter. I play around with the ISO to account for it but today I couldn't seem to get a clear, non-blurry picture to save my life. I probably took 2 dozen shots and these were the only ones usable so enjoy.
This dress, jacket and hat are available for $160 plus $6 shipping in the US. Email me at nwickman@chartermi.net if interested.